Structure and Curriculum of the O∴M∴S∴ Outer Ordre
- I° Associate Élu
- Supplemental Élus Coëns Manuscripts — Élus Coëns Source Series
- II° Initiate Chevalier
- III° Supérieur Inconnu
Upon surveying the prevalent Martinist orders currently in operation, the O∴M∴S∴ has sought to rectify the Martinist Tradition in order to reignite its Light and pass on the complete degrees and workings to the next generation. To do this, we have utilized the archives of our various lineages that converge in our Ordre to present the most complete and, more importantly, effective initiatory system of Martinism for the modern day. This is accomplished through the three primary grades of the O∴M∴S∴ Outer Ordre, their initiations, curriculum books, supplemental books, each grade’s digital archives, private video lectures, and our tight-bonded online community and forums which each member gains access to after successfully passing each initiation.
Each OMS book has been copiously researched and professionally presented in archival quality hardcover books with dust jackets. Some books are full-color when necessary, while others are printed in black & white to reduce cost. The degree handbooks are mandatory for all members, while others may be optional. All books are distributed to members for educational purposes, at cost with no financial gain or profit.
I° Associate Élu
The I° Associate Élu Grade comprises the traditional formulas of Papus and St. Martin, enriched with the current of the Élus Coëns and Martinez de Pasqually. It comprises an initiatory experience that combines the traditional Martinist Associate with the of the I-IV° of the Élus Coëns.
The grade curriculum is divided into multiple books, as well as numerous digital materials and videos.
I° Associate Élu Handbook
The I° Associate Élu Handbook, the foundation and most essential book for the 1st degree consists of Theory and Practice. The Theory is a distillation of the most refined Associate level texts on Martinism, while the Practice provides the traditional Martinist Work of the Way of the Heart, infused with E.C. Theory & Operations up to IV° Maître Élu. This handbook contains more practical and operational Martinist and Coën work than most Martinist orders’ entire system.
The Élus Coëns Theory Handbook, now integrated into the I° A.E. Handbook, provides key documents from the Past Masters regarding Pasqually’s myth, his unique number system and Kabballah, and lectures from Saint-Martin on the Élus Coëns
This handbook is currently available in English and Portuguese.
I° Associate Élu Prayer Book
The I° Associate Élu Prayer Book is a pocket-sized edition of the practical work of the 1st degree. Answering the requests of our members, we created a full-color pocket edition to easily carry and utilize the prayers, meditations and spiritual operations throughout day-to-day life and thus integrate the I° symbols, myth and process in their lives.
This handbook is currently available in English and Greek. A Portuguese edition is underway.
10 Instructions to Men of Desire: Instructions for the Temples of the Élus Coëns, Elevated to the Greatest Glory of the Eternal, by Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
Saint-Martin’s 10 Instructions to Men of Desire: Instructions for the Temples of the Élus Coëns, Elevated to the Greatest Glory of the Eternal (Dix Instructions aux Hommes de Désir) provides 10 engaging lessons on the Martinezist/Martinist mythos and cosmology. It can be seen as a primer or commentary on Martinez de Pasqually’s Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings into their Original Spiritual and Divine Properties, Virtues and Powers, and can also stand on its own as a philosophical text on the Theosophy of Saint-Martin. It is also a clear commentary on the initiations and process of the Élus Coëns initiations.
As Amadou wrote in his introduction to his french transcription of the original manuscript:
“As for the substance of these instructions, let us observe that they are, like the rest, perfectly faithful to the Martinezist system of Reintegration: cosmosophy, anthroposophy, and theosophy, where numbers, the object of arithmosophy, are used for human investigation of divine action … these sciences and virtues cannot be separated in Coën theory.”
Together, these 10 lessons comprise what Amadou called a “metaphysical moralism.” At first glance, they provide a solid foundation in the Theosophy and Christian Mysticism of Saint-Martin, which later inspired Papus in the creation of the Martinist Order.
Our new translation and publication of these key and widely unknown lectures of Saint-Martin contains a new commentary in the form of copious in-line annotations. We correlate and explain Saint-Martin’s lectures with Élus Coëns initiations, catechisms, grade work, the commentaries of Rijnberk, Amadou and other E.C. manuscripts we have translated for our members.
This book also contains our groundbreaking Complete Explanation of the Universal Table, a new exegesis and commentary on the key diagram of Martinezist/Martinist cosmology. Our rectified Universal Table has been corrected and expanded by comparing several original manuscript versions of the U.T. by Saint-Martin, Willermoz, Prunelle de Lière and others. New keys within the 10 Instructions help unfold the mysteries and inner workings of the Table in order to explain spiritual processes within the Élus Coëns initiations and grade work.
This book is printed in full-color and available in English. A Portuguese publication is underway.
The Essential Writings of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
The Essential Writings of Saint-Martin provides key documents of the Unknown Philosopher in 350 pages.
Of Errors and of Truth, by Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
Saint-Martin’s Of Errors and of Truth, or Mankind Recalled to the Universal Principle of Knowledge (Des Erreurs et da la Verité) is the Unknown Philosopher’s first book and is one of the primary sources of the Martinist myth as utilized by Papus in his Ordre Martiniste.
The Spiritual Ministry of Man, by Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
Saint-Martin’s The Spiritual Ministry of Man, or Man: His True Nature and Spiritual Ministry is the Unknown Philosopher’s final and most revealing book on his unique approach to Christian mysticism and 1700s Theosophy. It consists of three parts: On Nature, On Man, and On the Word.
A minimum of one to two years active study and spiritual practice is required before passing on to the next grade.
Supplemental Élus Coëns Manuscripts — Élus Coëns Source Series
The OMS has translated the bulk of the original E.C. manuscripts and provides them in the form of a Facsimilé, (French) Transcription and (English) Translation. These original Mss. are available as supplemental material for those who wish to dig deeper into the Coën roots of the Martinist Tradition. Most of these publications are available to all members of the OMS, however some that deal with higher grades and teachings may be restricted to the appropriate grade levels.
B.M.G. MS. 4125: Catechisms of the Philosophers Élus Coëns de l’Universe 1770 — Translations, Transcriptions & Facsimilés
This publication contains for the first time in English, the totality of l’Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Élus Coëns de l’Univers, or simply, the Élus Coëns of Martinez de Pasqually’s B.M.G. MS. 4125 (Bibliothèque Municipal de Grenoble) which appears to date from 1770. This MS. consists of four notebooks partially sewn together, forming seventy-seven pages. Included in this MS. are complete Catechisms for the grades of:
- Master Coën (pgs. 1 — 21 of the MS.)
- Grand Master Coën also known as Grand Archictect (pgs. 21 — 27)
- Grand Élu of Zorobabel, also called Knights of the East (pgs. 27 — 33)
- Catechism of the Commanders of the Orient Apprentice R✠ (pgs. 34 — 52)
- A second MS. facsimilé of this last Catechism is reproduced, which according to Robert Amadou is in the handwriting of the Unknown Philosopher himself.
Included in B.M.G. Ms. 4125 is also the Catechism of the Philosophers Élus Coëns of the Universe 1770 (pgs. 53 — 77 of the MS.). This last text specifically concerns the rank of Apprentice, but differs from the Apprentice Catechisms found in other collections, namely that of BNF FM 4 15 (aka the Baylot MS., the source for Roger Dachez’ Apprentice & Companion Catechisms) as well as Papus’. This text does not merely address the 1st degree of Apprentice, but presents a panorama of the contents of the following degrees. This text states regarding the quality or state of the “Philosopher Élu Coën” that they are “To be free, virtuous and free from all vice, equal to Kings, a friend of the Princes and the Poor when they are spiritually clothed in the character of Élus Coëns.” It is the spirit of this virtue, the Election of Spiritual Nobility that we hope to confer and re-enliven in our works and our heritage.
MS. Cote 190 D 39 Bibliothèque Grand-Orient des Pays-Bas — Translation & Transcription
Manuscript Cote 190 D 39 of the Bibliothèque de Grand-Orient des Pays-Bas (Fonds Kloss) corresponds exactly with the _La Haye MS.__ published in french by Antoine Faivre. It contains the following:
- A list of the Élus Coëns grades
- An Extract from the Apprentice Catechism
- Companion Catechism
- Master Catechism
- Particular Master E.C. de l’Universe Catechism
- Master Coën Catechism
- Grand Architect Catechism
These so-called extracts are unique in that they do not utilise the typical Questions and Answer format, similar to that of BMG MS. 4123 — Extrait de ce qui est contenu dans les grades de l’Ordre des E.C., or BMG MS 4125, both of which are available in in the OMS Élus Coën Source Series as a Translation, Transcription & Facsimilé of the original Mss. These extracts are also unique as some grades have major variations from information given in other sources.

BNF FM 4 15 Baylot MS.: Élus Coëns Extracts — Translation & Transcription
Also known as the Santo Domingo Manuscript, the OMS is the first to translate and publish the Élus Coëns portions of this monumentally important manuscript. This is probably the earliest known document on the degrees of the Ordre du Royal Secret or Rite of Perfection, the precursor of the modern day Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The BnF says that this manuscript probably comes from the entourage of its founder, Étienne Morin. The image of the encampment of the Princes of the Royal Secret probably dates from the very beginning of the practice of the degree, around 1764. This manuscript is one of the first manifestations of the haute-grades in the New World and predates the Franken Manuscript, an essential document of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (AASR) by at least 20 years.
As Martinezists, our primary interest in the Baylot MS. is in the final pages which consist of Élus Coën material. Included is:
- An introductory speech on the Élus Coëns titled Au nom du Grand Architecte de l’Univers
- Apprentice Catechism, appended by an overview of the Classes of the E.C. described through the 5 colored Bands or Sashes of Election
- Companion Catechism, appended by Fumigations (instructions on required magical tools including an incense formula, holy water, a Pantacle of goat skin, and magical names for the Circle — these instructions are appended to the Companion Catechism in the MS.)
- Addresses & Names of the Principal Officers for Addressing them in Letters or Packets for the Tribunal
- An example of a Magical Circle
- (Probably) the earliest drawing of the Camp of the Princes of the Royal Secret of the Ancient and Accepted Rite.
The two Catechisms in this manuscript provide information similar to that of the Extract of the Apprentice Catechism and the Companion Catechism from MS. Cote 190 D 39 / La Haye MS. also published by Antoine Faivre, however both provide additional information not presented in the other.
B.M.G. MS. 4129: Of the Circle and the Composition Thereof — Translation, Transcription & Facsimilé
This manuscript, catalogued in the Bibliothèque municipale de Grenoble (BMG) as MS. 4129 is part of the Prunelle de Lière collection of Élus Coëns manuscripts. Its 15 handwritten pages comprise a unique piece of Élus Coëns history and show a bridge from medieval grimoiric traditions to the initiatory system of Pasqually’s ordre. It is comprised of excerpts and adaptions from two important historical grimoires, that of The Heptameron and the Ars Notoria, both with intentional omissions. It should be noted that this manuscript and its extracts exist nowhere else in currently known Élus Coëns archives. They are not included or mentioned in le fonds Z, le fonds Willermoz, le fonds Hermete or le Manuscrit d’Alger.
The primary purpose of this translation, transcription and facsimilé presentation is to compare the Coëns treatment of these grimoires, and see by the omissions where Pasqually’s tradition was innovative and unique. By presenting this MS. in English, together with an annotated latin transcription and facsimilé, we intend to provide the entire resource for future English speaking Martinezists/Martinists, thereby passing on the tradition intact and fully referenced.
Overall, this MS. can be seen as an introduction to the classical methods of creating magical circles, using hierarchies, preliminary blessings, consecrations, and basic invocations. The Coën would however have their own specific Operations given by their Master, according to their grade, that would utilise Pasqually’s own hierarchical system.
B.M.G. MS. 4123: Extract of what is contained in the Grades of the Élus Coëns of the Universe — Translation, Transcription & Facsimilé (New book coming soon)
This MS kept at the Bibliothèque Municipal de Grenoble as Extrait de ce qui est contenu dans les Grades de l’Ordre des E.C. and dates from 1770. It contains an overview of the initiations, batteries, signs and key points of Ordination for the I° - VIII° of the E.C. Our publication correlates all of our previous manuscript translations, initiations and curriculum with the material presented herein.
Because our notes in this publication may contain information relevant to degree work after the I° Associate Élu and II° Initiate Chevalier, it is restricted to higher grade members.
Élus Coëns 1st Class: Election of the Blue Band Curriculum
Members who have been initiated into the full E.C. degrees of the 1st Class or Blue Band have access to this text. The 1st Class consists of the following degrees:
- I° Symbolic Apprentice
- II° Symbolic Companion
- III° Symbolic & Particular Master of the 1st Degree of the Ordre
This handbook contains a full analysis of the history and structure of Pasqually’s original order, summaries, diagrams, lessons and catechisms for each degree drawn from our reconstructed initiations and our previously published E.C. manuscripts, as well as new teachings and lectures given to Coën in the 1760s and 1770s. Never before has such a compendium been presented of the original system, neither in French nor in English.
II° Initiate Chevalier
Continuing the work of the I° Associate Élu Grade, the II° Initiate Chevalier Grade comprises the traditional formulas of Papus and St. Martin, with the addition of the current of the C.B.C.S. and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz. In addition to an innovative Way of the Heart 2nd degree, it comprises an initiatory experience of the C.B.C.S. distilled from the Scottish Master of St. Andrew, Squire Novice and Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte grades of Willermoz. A minimum of two years active study is required before passing on to the next grade.
II° Initiate Chevalier Handbook
The Initiate Chevalier Handbook consists of the traditional Work of the Way of the Heart, infused with C.B.C.S. lectures up to the Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité-Sainte grade of the C.B.C.S. These lectures and the mythology of the Temple of Jerusalem are utilized to provide an innovative operational curriculum, consisting of work with the classical virtues, chivalry, and spiritual knighthood. An extension of the Élus Coëns operations begun in the Associate Élu grade provides a 9 month mystical and magical working for the Initiate Chevalier which requires successful “passes” or visions in order to advance to the third grade of S∴I∵.
This book is printed in full-color and available in English. Portuguese and Greek publications of the same are underway.

II° Initiate Chevalier Prayer Book
Like the I° Associate Élu Prayer Book, the II° Initiate Chevalier Prayer Book is a pocket-sized edition of the practical work of the 2nd degree. Answering the requests of our members, we created a full-color pocket edition to easily carry and utilize the prayers, meditations and spiritual operations throughout day-to-day life and thus integrate the II° theurgical operations and alchemical processes.
This handbook is currently available in English and will soon be available in Greek and Portuguese.
III° Supérieur Inconnu
The III° Supérieur Inconnu (S∴I∵) Grade comprises the traditional formulas of Papus and St. Martin, infused with additional components to provide the Initiate with a holistic O∴M∴S∴ perspective. It forms the cornerstone of the O∴M∴S∴ and is the chamber in which the Royal Secret is revealed, the gift and burden which confers sovereignty and Truth.
III° Supérieur Inconnu Handbook
The Supérieur Inconnu Handbook focuses on deepening the newly raised S∴I∵’s understanding of the Royal Secret through the alchemical Wet Path with practical work including the Abramelin and other Rosicrucian Operations to assist in the unfolding of the Rose of Mystery. The third degree of S∴I∵ culminates in the unveiling of the Royal Secret or Stone of the Philosophers, that elusive yet ever present Mystery which forms the foundation of all true initiation and illumination.